E-Mail Network Definition & Facts In USA

E-Mail Network Definition & Facts In USA




Email Network (electronic mailing) is the electronic exchange of computer-stored messages via telecommunication. Email messages are typically encoded in American Standard Code for Information Interchange text. You can send non-text files, such as sound and graphic files, as attachments in binary stream.

Email was the first activity to be done over the internet. It is still one of the most used. Email accounts for a large portion of internet traffic. You can also exchange email between internet service provider users, and other networks, both public or private.


Email can be sent to both individuals and groups. An email reflector can manage a shared distribution list. You can subscribe to some mailing lists by contacting the administrator. A mailing list is automatically managed is known as a server .


Email is part of the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ( IP) set of protocols. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP) is a popular protocol to send email. Post Office Protocol 3 is a popular protocol to receive it ( POP3).



There are differences between webmail and email


email is used today to refer to both browser-based electronic messages, such AOL and Gmail, as well as nonbrowser-based electronic messages, such Outlook for Office 365. However, email was defined previously as a nonbrowser program which required a dedicated server and clients. Nonbrowser email has many advantages, including integration with corporate software platforms and the absence of advertisements.



Email uses


You can use email in many ways. One-on-one or with a group of people, or both within and outside of an organization.


Email is a great way to communicate with friends and colleagues, or even small groups of them. It allows users to send and receive images, documents, and links quickly and easily. It allows users to communicate with others at their own time and schedule.


One-to-one and small group communication is another benefit of email. You can send follow-up emails to participants after meetings, interviews, appointments or meetings. You can also quickly remind everyone in a meeting of an upcoming event, or notify them of a change in time. This is made possible by the integration calendars and appointments into many email service platforms.


Companies can also use email to communicate information to large numbers of customers, employees, and potential customers. Email is often used to send newsletter subscribers specific content. Direct email marketing campaigns are where an advertisement or promotion goes to a targeted audience.


You can also use email to convert leads to paying customers, or to make a sale. An automated email may be created by a company to send an email to buyers who have items in their shopping cart for a certain amount of time. An email might remind customers that products are in their shopping cart, and encourage them to make the purchase as soon as possible.


Following a purchase, customers may receive follow-up emails inviting them to leave reviews. These emails may contain a survey asking customers for feedback on the service and product received.



Types of B2B email


Businesses that want to facilitate information, products and services exchange between their company and other organizations use business-to-business ( ) email marketing. This email marketing is different from the business-to-consumer ( B2C) because it emphasizes the logic and reasoning behind a purchase decision in relation with a specific business’s needs. It does not appeal to consumers to convince them to buy products. These are some examples of B2B email types:


  • Welcome emails are sent to potential buyers after they sign up for a business’s opt in activities such as a blog, mailing list or webinar. These emails often include additional information that may be of use to the subscriber. A series of welcome emails can be a great way for businesses to establish a relationship and increase subscriber loyalty.


  • Promotional emailsoffer buyers some type of deal, such as a discount on the purchase price, a month free of service or reduced or omitted fees when using managed services. This is the most popular type of B2B email.


  • Lead nurturing emails educate potential buyers about the available solutions and services in order to convert any prospective sale into a purchase. Lead-nurturing emails also go by the trigger campaign name. They are initiated when a potential buyer takes an initial action such as downloading a sample or clicking on links in an email. Lead-nurturing emails must be concise and specific. They should target the content using behavioral data about the lead and keep in touch with potential buyers over time.


  • All subscribers to the newsletter receive emails every day, weekly, or monthly. These emails contain selected content from the company’s recent publications. This allows businesses to communicate important information to clients through one source. Newsletters can include headlines and captions that highlight industry news, as well as links to full articles, event invitations, blog posts, and content offers.


  • Onboarding email – also known after-sales emails – are used often to increase customer loyalty. These emails can be used by buyers to inform them about the services and how to use their new products. These emails often contain advice on how to use the products and services. Clients can use onboarding emails to facilitate user adoption in large-scale service deployments.



Email has many benefits


Email has the following advantages:


  • Affordable. Individuals and companies have access to a variety of free email services. There are no additional fees for this service once the user is online.


  • Email allows users to communicate with one another in a non-urgent manner. They can respond when they are most convenient. It also allows users to communicate with each other regardless of their time zones or schedules.


  • Email can be accessed anywhere the user has internet access.


  • Speed, simplicity and speed. Emails can be quickly and easily created with all the information and contacts you need. You can also exchange them quickly and with little lag.
  • Mass email. Email makes mass sending possible. It is easy to send one message and reach large numbers of people.


  • Email allows users to filter and categorize messages. This allows you to filter unwanted messages, such as spam or junk mail, and makes it easier to locate specific messages when you need them.


  • Email exchanges can easily be saved and searched for. This allows users to save important messages, confirmations and instructions and retrieve them quickly if they are needed.



Email attacks: Examples


Cyberattacks are most commonly carried out via email. There are many ways to attack cybercriminals, including spamming and phishing.


One in every 412 emails is a malware attack. Every month, 7,710 companies are subject to a BEC attack. According to Symantec Internet Threat Security Report, spear-phishing is the most popular infection vector. Below are descriptions of these types attacks:


  • Spamming. Mail spam is unsolicited bulk mail sent via email. Spam has become a major problem for email users since the early 1990s. Many spam recipients have had their email addresses stolen by spambots. These are automated programs that scan the internet for email addresses. Spammers use spambots in order to create email distribution list. Spammers send spammers emails to millions of addresses with the expectation that only a few will reply or interact with them.


  • Phishing. An attack in which an attacker pretends to be a trustworthy entity or person via email or other communication channels. Phishing emails are used by the attacker to send malicious attachments or links that can perform various functions. This includes extracting login credentials and account information.


  • Spam . Email Spoofing is forging an email head to make it appear that it came from someone or something other than its source. Email spoofing is a common tactic in spam and phishing campaigns. People are more likely to open emails if they believe it was sent from a trusted source. Email spoofing is used to convince recipients to open and respond to a solicitation.


  • Spear-phishing . Email Spoofing is an attack on a particular organization or person, seeking unauthorised access to sensitive information. Spear-phishing attacks aren’t usually initiated randomly by hackers, but more often by attackers looking for financial gain or trade secrets.


  • Business Email Compromise. A BEC exploit allows an attacker to gain access to corporate email accounts and to pretend to be the owner to defraud employees, customers, or partners. Sometimes, the attacker creates an account using an email address similar to one in the corporate network. BEC can also be referred to man in the-the-email attack.


  • Ransomware. Ransomware is subset of malware that locks victim’s computers using encryption. Payment is required before ransomware data can be decrypted. Access is then returned to the victim. Ransomware attacks almost always have a financial motive. Unlike other types of malware, victims are usually notified about an exploit and given instructions on how to recover from it. So that the identity of the cybercriminal is unknown, payment is often made in virtual currency .


Email security


Email was designed to be open and accessible and allow users to communicate with one another and other people and groups within the organization. Email security is therefore necessary.


Email security refers to the many techniques individuals, companies, and service providers can use to protect sensitive information in email communications and accounts against unauthorized access, loss, or destruction.


You can protect your accounts by setting strong passwords that are updated frequently. To protect themselves from potentially harmful emails, users should create spam filters and folders. They also need to install and run antimalware and antivirus software.


Organizations can implement best practices to protect email. These include training employees about proper email usage, deploying email encryption solutions and setting up an email security gateway.


Email gateways scan and process all emails received to identify threats. Multilayered gateways are the best option, as attacks are getting more complex and sophisticated. Employee training on email usage and distinguishing malicious messages is a great way to avoid receiving threatening mail that isn’t caught by the gateway.


To scan outgoing emails for sensitive information, automated email encryption solutions can be used. The automated solution will encrypt any sensitive material before it is sent to its intended recipient. This prevents hackers from accessing sensitive information even if they intercept it. Only those who have permission to view an email can see encrypted content.


Providers of email service can improve their security by using strong passwords and access control standards. Providers should offer encryption solutions and digital signings to ensure that emails are protected in transit and in the users’ inboxes. Service providers should also implement spam-filtering software and firewalls to protect users against malicious, untrusted messages.



Check out these popular email sites


Here are some examples of popular and free email sites:

  • Gmail
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Yahoo Mail
  • AOL
  • Zoho
  • ProtonMail
  • com


Email origin


Mailbox, a program developed by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), allows for the exchange of messages among time-sharing computers within a single lab. Raymond Samuel Tomlinson, now BBN Technologies, was a programmer at Bolt, Beranek and Newman. He created the Mailbox program that allowed for the exchange of messages between time-sharing computers within one lab. Tomlinson created a messaging program that could be used on the PDP-10 computer. It consisted of two programs: SNDMSG to send mail and READMAIL to retrieve mail.

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